24 Hour Pest Control: 07931 560 198

Pest control and removal for Flintshire, Denbighshire & Chester

Cockroaches Preventative Measures Cockroaches require food, shelter and water. Make your home unfit for cockroaches, where possible, take away their food, water and restrict shelter and access points into the kitchen and they will almost certainly move somewhere else.
Cockroaches need water and will thrive in damp sub-floor crawl space areas, near leaking taps, etc. Ensure adequate drainage and ventilation. Regularly check and fix any plumbing problems, broken roof tiles, etc that may allow or cause moisture aggress to potential cockroach harbourage areas. Wipe kitchen sink of moisture before retiring or going out at night. Turn off leaking taps.
Reduce shelter and access points and seal all cracks and crevices in bathroom, pantry and kitchen cupboards. Store all cardboard boxes and the like above ground level. Cockroaches do not like drafty exposed areas or bright lights. A good reason why some restaurants keep lights on at night around their waste bins.
Bed Bugs
Many people complain about having been bitten in bed either at home or whilst staying at a guest house or hotel. Don’t let your reputation or business be affected by bed bugs and don’t ignore the problem.
If annoyed or threatened, wasps will sting and the best remedy - after removing the sting with a clean finger nail - is to apply an anti-histamine. Some people react violently to being stung with several dying each year.
Potential Harm: Mice can be a health hazard as they carry the salmonella bacteria that can be passed on to people through food or food surfaces that they contaminate.
PESTS 2016

The house fly is a common pest in homes and resturants. It has distributed quite widely and can facilitate serious disease transfers
Physical description: The adults are 5-8 mm long. Their thorax is gray, with four dark longitudinal lines on the back. The underside of the abdomen is yellow. The whole body is covered with hair. They have red compound eyes. The females are slightly larger than the males and have a much larger space between the eyes.
House fly

Many people complain about having been bitten in bed either at home or whilst staying at a guest house or hotel. Don’t let your reputation or business be affected by bed bugs and don’t ignore the problem.
Bed bugs

Potential Harm: Homes and business buildings can become homes for squirrels, as the eaves of most buildings can have openings large enough for squirrels to enter.
The main problems concern the damage which can take place when they enter the roof spaces of houses by climbing the walls or jumping from trees.
Once inside they may chew woodwork and ceilings, strip the electrical insulation from wiring, tear up roof insulation to build dreys and sometimes drown (and thus contaminate the contents) in water tanks.


Potential Harm: Mice can be a health hazard as they carry the salmonella bacteria that can be passed on to people through food or food surfaces that they contaminate.
Any food preparation surfaces that mice may have been in contact with should be washed down with a mild disinfectant. Any contaminated food produce should be thrown away.
Mice can also be very destructive to electrical wiring by gnawing on the plastic coating.
In extreme cases, this can cause fires or electrical shock to anyone touching the exposed wires.
The main problem Moles cause in agriculture is that the soil that they push to the surface can contaminate silage making it unpalatable, exposed stones from their hills can cause damage to machinery, also the fresh soil from their hills can cause an invasion of weeds reducing crop yields.
Domestically and horticulturally, Moles can cause damage to young plants by disturbing and exposing the root system causing them to dry out, wither and die. Mole hills also cause an invasion of weeds into areas where soil has been exposed, and their hills are often regarded as unsightly
Humans are also at risk from unhealthy pigeons. Pigeons can carry a number of potentially infectious diseases such as salmonella, tuberculosis and ornithosis (a mild form of psittacosis - pneumonia-like symptoms).
They are also a source of allergens, which can cause respiratory ailments like pigeon fancier's lung and allergic skin reaction. There is potential for these illnesses to be spread to people through contact with pigeon droppings, dandruff and feathers; pigeon parasites; or where dead infected pigeons get into food or water sources.
The presence of pigeons, or their droppings (particularly when wet), can also contribute to accidents.
Rural foxes quickly urbanised, taking advantage of the food and shelter provided in the relatively large gardens, from compost heaps, bird-tables and garden buildings. Foxes are now accustomed to living near to people and successive generations have spread inwards towards the city centre.
There are now more opportunities of food and shelter for foxes in towns and cities than in the surrounding countryside. Although foxes are predominantly nocturnal, it is not unusual to see urban foxes out during the day. Also recent incidents concerning the urban fox have highlighted the dangers of wild animals living too close to humans.
Red fox

Feral pigeons

When control is required, great care is taken to find an effective solution which complies with both current legislation and the customers needs. We use various methods of control, all of which are legal and humane, ranging from traditional methods such as ferreting, trapping, long netting lamping and shooting to more modern methods such as Aluminium Phosphide and exclusion fencing.
Rats have a significant impact on food production. Estimates vary, but it is likely that about one-fifth of the world's total food output is eaten, spoiled or destroyed by rats. It is interesting to note that about one-third of the food purchased by humans is thrown away as rubbish in certain areas.
Significance: Rats can carry over thirty different diseases dangerous to humans, including Weil's disease, typhus, salmonella and bubonic plague.


Mites or fleas on your premises can cause more damage than bites or skin irritation. Your business and reputation could be affected whether through loss of profits from disgruntled customers or disruption to the working day by having unhappy employees.
Significance: If annoyed or threatened, wasps will sting and the best remedy - after removing the sting with a clean finger nail - is to apply an anti-histamine. Some people react violently to being stung with several dying each year.
For minor problems with small numbers of adult wasps, space sprays and surface sprays can be used to great effect.
If wasps choose a nesting site in, on or near houses and business premises, more drastic action may need to be taken. Insecticidal dusts and liquid surface sprays are some of the options for controlling problematic wasp populations.

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